
Collecting the eDNA at the lower Art Pavilion pond

Citizen Science in the Park (Part II) – The Natural History Museum’s GenePools Project

In July some of the Friends took part in the Natural History Museum’s GenePools project.

This project is a collaboration between Natural England, the Natural History Museum, Cefas, and citizen scientists from Manchester, Cambridge, Plymouth, Newcastle, Bristol and London. GenePools was designed to trial combining cutting edge DNA technology with citizen science, to collect a large dataset … read more

Water testing on the Regents Canal at Mile End Lock

Citizen Science in the Park (Part I) – The Great UK WaterBlitz

During 2024 the Friends tried our hand at some Citizen Science in the Park. This is where members of the public and scientists work together to increase scientific knowledge.

We were lucky to work with Earthwatch Europe on their “Great UK WaterBlitz” in September, and before that in July on the Natural History Museum’s GenePools project (more of that amazing … read more