Our Constitution

1. Name
The name of the group shall be the Friends of Mile End Park, hereafter referred to as “FOMEP
2. Mission Statement
To organise an independent and inclusive group that will play a role in ensuring that the Park is developed, cared for and used in ways that actively involve and benefit the local community.
3. Aims and Objectives
  1. Champion the existence of a park management organisation that incorporates community representation
  2. Monitor and scrutinise the actions of the organisations responsible for the park and its development.
  3. Maintain an inclusive membership that is capable of representing a broad cross-section of residents, park users, community groups and business ventures with an interest in the park.
  4. Foster and maintain links with individuals and organisations that are supportive of FOMEP aims.
  5. Encourage a sense of local ownership towards the park, and promote involvement.
  6. Act as an independent and credible advisory and consultative group on all matters relating to the care and safe use of the park. 
  7. Promote awareness of the park and its facilities, and encourage and support their use. 
  8. Assist in the sustainable management and maintenance of the park. 
  9. Play a key role in establishing and administering sources of funding to assist in the care and use of the park. 
  10. Assist in the responsible use of the parks natural, developed and financial resources.

4. Membership

Membership will not be subject to a subscription and will be open to anyone who:
  1. Is aged over 18 years old; and
  2. Volunteers or supports the aims of FOMEP
  3. Provides the membership secretary with their contact details
Ceasing to be a member
Any offensive behaviour, including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks, will not be permitted. Anyone behaving in an offensive way or breaking the equal opportunities policy may be asked not to attend further meetings or to resign from the group if an apology is not given or the behaviour is repeated. The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the management committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.
5. Equal Opportunities
FOMEP will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age.
6. Officers and committee
The business of the group will be carried out by a Management Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. Current members will be eligible for re-election. The Committee will meet as necessary and not less than four times a year.

The Committee will consist of 6 members:

  • Chair, who shall chair both general and committee meetings
  • Secretary, who shall be responsible for the taking of minutes and the distribution of all papers
  • Treasurer who shall be responsible for maintaining accounts
  • Membership Secretary who shall be responsible for maintaining a list of members
  • Website editor who shall be responsible for maintaining FOMEP’S website
  • And one Hon Member
Up to 2 additional members may be co-opted onto the committee at the discretion of the committee.
In the event of an officer standing down during the year a replacement will be elected by the next General Meeting of members.

The Committee meetings, venue permitting, will be open to any member of FOMEP wishing to attend, who may speak but not vote.
7. Meetings
7.1. Annual General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held every year. The committee will notify members (usually by email and a posting to FOMEP’S website) at least 3 weeks before the date of the meeting, giving the venue, date and time.
Nominations for the committee may be made to the Secretary before the meeting, or at the meeting.
The quorum for the AGM will be 6 members.
At the AGM:-
  1. The Committee will present a report of the work of FOMEP over the year.
  2. The Committee will present the accounts of FOMEP for the previous year.
  3. The officers and Committee for the next year will be elected.
  4. Any proposals given to the Secretary at least 7 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed.
7.2 Special General Meetings
The Secretary will call a Special General Meeting at the request of the majority of the committee or at least eight other members giving a written request to the Chair or Secretary stating the reason for their request.
The meeting will take place within twenty-one days of the request.
All members will be given two weeks notice of such a meeting, giving the venue, date, time and agenda.
The quorum for the Special General Meeting will be 10% of the membership or 10 members, whichever is the greater number.
8. Finances
An account will be maintained on behalf of FOMEP at a bank agreed by the committee. Three cheque signatories will be nominated by the Committee (one to be the Treasurer). Any two of these may sign a cheque. The signatories must not be related nor members of the same household, nor may the Payee of a cheque be also one of the signatories.
Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given to each meeting.
All money raised by or on behalf of FOMEP is only to be used to further the aims of the group, as specified in item 2 of this constitution.
9. Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the constitution may be made at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting or in exceptional circumstances by the Committee.
Any proposal to amend the constitution must be given to the Secretary in writing. The proposal must then be circulated with the notice of meeting.
Any proposal to amend the constitution will require a three fifths majority of those present and entitled to vote.
10. Dissolution
If a meeting, by simple majority, decides that it is necessary to close down the group it may call a Special General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the group.
If it is agreed to dissolve the group all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to a suitable charitable organisation. The organisation to be agreed at the dissolution meeting.
11. Address
The address of FOMEP for formal correspondence shall be 46 Grove Road, London E3 5AX