
Mile End Park Facebook Page
This is the Facebook Page for the park and is regularly updated with news, details of events and photos. Well worth “liking”.

Victoria Park Friends Group (VPFG)
This is the facebook group of the guys who help look after the park on the wrong side of the Hertford Union Canal.

Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (FoTHCP)
Twenty six acres of beautiful and atmospheric woodland in the heart of the borough. This is the most urban woodland in London, and Tower Hamlets only dedicated woodland park. This site supports an incredible variety of trees, plants, birds, insects, bats, beetles and butterflies. The Cemetery Park is managed and cared for by dedicated staff, trustees, and volunteers for the local community and as an invaluable education resource for 8,500 local schoolchildren who use the park as an outdoor classroom.
Mile End Park work in close liaison with FoTHCP to enhance our park’s natural environment (i.e. we pick their brains!)

Parks for London
Parks for London works with landowners and managers to protect and improve London’s green infrastructure. Their website is a great place to look for ideas around the multitude of issues London’s parks encounter.

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
Connecting people and green spaces to deliver lasting outcomes for both”. These guys have tonnes of useful resources on their website and YouTube channel. A really great source of information.

Local Residents’ Associations
A number of Residents’ Associations border the park and these provide a voice for residents living in the area. They’re great too for people who want to be more involved in how their homes and neighbourhoods are run.

Mile End Old Town Residents’ Association (MEOTRA)
MEOTRA covers the area bounded by the north side of Mile End Road in the south, Lichfield Road on the north, as far west as the Regent’s canal; and includes Coborn Street and Clinton Road. If you live in the MEOTRA area, then you are a member of the Association.