Why not join us this Sunday from 10-12 to help litter-pick Mile End Park?
What a week of weather we have had. Whilst cold all week, we have had some gorgeous sunny days. The park is magical when the sun is out, the ponds frozen and you get to watch the water fowl ice skating in the most comical manner.
An hour or so litter-picking really gets the day off to a great start. The chills soon wear off with some gentle exercise, a chat with like-minded souls and of course the coffee/cake after.
We’ll be heading north of the Art Pavilion all the way up to the Wellington Green/Bow Wharf. We’ll be there whatever the weather.
We meet by the Art Pavilion at 10am and are all done by midday (though you can leave earlier obviously). Litter picks, collection hoops and bags are supplied. I reckon you might want to dress warm, but you’ll soon be toasting.