Why not pop along this Saturday to the Bow Neighbourhood Forum Public Meeting?
Following the October referendum on the neighbourhood plan and the plan’s adoption by the Council in November, it now carries full weight in local planning decisions. The Neighbourhood Forum is the body responsible for the plan. They are aware of the need to widen their membership, and this meeting is one way you can get involved in the work of the Forum. The meeting is in the Bow Idea Store (opposite Tesco’s) at 3PM.
Pop along and have your say
There will be:
- An update on the Neighbourhood Plan and role of the Forum.
- Space to share your ideas for how the Forum can help make Bow a better place for everyone to live, work or study.
- Opportunities to get involved with the Forum in support of sustainable development in Bow in 2023.
See http://romanroadbowneighbourhoodplan.org for further information.