As many of you know, The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by the full Tower Hamlets Council on 16th November, after being supported by over 70% of residents in a referendum.
The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Plan now has full weight in all planning decisions within the neighbourhood planning area (which is approximately the wards of Bow East and Bow West). This means that the Neighbourhood Plan, together with the London Plan and Local Plan for the borough, comprise the Development Plan for Tower Hamlets.
“The Neighbourhood Plan gives the people of Bow a voice in local planning decisions and will help shape development in Bow over the coming years.“
Mike Mitchell
Neighbourhood Forums are the group that formulate the Plan. They only have a five year life span before they have to undergo a process of “re-designation” (ours was designated on 16 August 2017). It may seem odd that we have only just got the Plan adopted and we are having to get it “redesignated”. But this is pretty standard as doing a Google shows
The Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum is currently in the process of re-designation. Have a look at the application and constitution for the forum and email in any comments to the council at before the 12th January 2023.
Need for Committee Members
The Forum committee is keen to welcome new members, particularly women and members of the Bangladeshi and other minority communities. You would serve until the next annual general meeting in summer 2023, when all the committee stand for election by the Forum membership.
The committee currently meets monthly in the evening. The Forum needs a secretary to maintain the Forum’s membership and list and take minutes at committee meetings, and a media officer to help with newsletters and social media posts.
A heart for the area and its people is more important than any experience of planning, so do please contact the Forum using the email address below: