Over the next 10 days or so there are plenty of opportunities for both families and adults to join us for a number of bulb planting sessions in Chris’ Wood next to Mile End Park’s Art Pavilion.
There are a number of sessions and dates to choose from:
- 13.00-15.00 Sat 23rd October
- 10.00-12.00 Sun 24th October
- 13.00-15.00 Sun 24th October
- 13.00-15.00 Sat 30th October
Please can you sign up using this short form so we have an idea of numbers. You are welcome to come to as many sessions as you can.
We have thousands of woodland bulbs such as snowdrops, wild garlic, bluebells and to plant which will provide us with a succession of flowers from late December all the way through to June.
Our first session is from 1PM today, meeting by the Art Pavilion for a short Health and Safety briefing.
We have gloves and bulb planters, but it would be best (from a COVID point of view) if you were able to bring your own kit (e.g hand trowel/fork/sturdy gloves/a knee mat etc).
The area has been prepared thanks to energetic volunteers from the Tower Hamlets Good Gym who removed lots of nettles and brambles. The soil is quite easy to work with (unlike some other woods nearby!)