'Sid' by Mark Bettis from 2015 Photospeak Exhibition


PhotoSpeak ‘Changing Faces’ is a collection of very special portraits, self portraits and photographs revealing the essence of 15 East London families. taken over 12 weeks by members of those families. A colourful and personal insight into the photographers, their loved ones and their world. 

Due to the vast range of ages taking part in the project we can see clearly and honestly, ways in which our communities have changed through the generations and what it is that truly makes our communities what they are. 

‘PhotoSpeak’ Changing Faces’ was led by artist Liz Clough, photographer Jacqueline McCullough and theatre practitioner Leanne Mcleish. It was hosted by Community Links and sponsored by the London Legacy Development Corporation and London & Quadrant.

Initially PhotoSpeak was a project designed by community education specialist Trina Geasley, and aimed to combat issues affecting local women by applying a community education method to the running of a photography project.

It ran for the first time in 2013. Working with 8 local women, Artist Liz Clough, photographer Jacqueline Mccullough and Community Education Specialist Trina Geasley ran a 10 week project rooted in respect and collaboration between all those involved. It culminated in beautiful photographic portraits of 50 East London women. The beauty of the project was its true representation and celebration of real women in real communities in London, created not by one Artist but by members of those communities. An empowering and unusual method of working and one that has been continued throughout the latest project.

Conversations took place with over 100 women and their hopes for a future generation were recorded. It was this text that truly illuminated their portraits and touched those who came to see them.

Opening Times: 11-7PM